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Nhập yêu cầu hoặc hình ảnh của bạn (tùy chọn) để có video riêng
Thời gian chờ ước tính 3-4 min
Image 1
Image 2
Merged Result
Due to high traffic, our server may occasionally be overloaded, causing video generation to fail. Don't worry; failures do not cost any credits.
If the generation fails, try to refine the photo you are uploading. Ensure that the photo is clear and the face is well-lit. Sometimes, using a higher-resolution image can lead to better results.
It typically takes 2-3 minutes to animate a photo. However, during peak times, it may take up to 5 minutes due to high traffic.
Yes, We offer 8 free credits after new users signing in.
AI Hug offers competitive pricing. You can start with a premium plan for more features. Detailed pricing information is available on our 'Pricing' page.