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이미지를 비디오로

AI를 사용하여 이미지를 비디오로 전환

이미지를 비디오로 생성 이미지

스타일을 선택하고 입력하여 자신만의 이미지를 비디오 이미지로 변환

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여기에 이미지를 업로드할 수 있습니다

Upload Your Image Here

File size smaller than 4.5mb

Photo with 1 person is better

애니메이션 이미지를 비디오 결과로

예상 대기 시간 3-4 min

아직 동영상 없음

Image To Video Example

Image To Video Image 1

AI Hug Preview Image 1

Image To Video 1

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Image To Video Image 2

AI Hug Preview Image 2

Image To Video 2

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자주 묻는 질문

What is Image To Video and how does it work?

Image To Video is an advanced AI-powered video generation platform that transforms static images into dynamic videos. Using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, it creates lifelike animations from your photos, bringing still images to life with natural movements and transitions.

How long does the Image To Video generation process take?

The Image To Video generation process typically takes 3-4 minutes to complete. However, during peak usage times, it may take slightly longer due to high server traffic. The processing time can also vary depending on the complexity and quality of the original image.

What types of images work best with Image To Video?

Image To Video works best with clear, high-quality images that have good lighting and resolution. The platform can process various types of images, but for optimal results, we recommend using photos with well-defined subjects and minimal background clutter. Both portrait and landscape images can be animated effectively.

Can I use Image To Video for free?

No, you need to subscribe to one of our premium plans.

Does Image To Video maintain the original quality of my photos?

Yes, Image To Video is designed to preserve the original quality and essence of your photos while adding fluid animations. Our AI technology ensures that the visual fidelity of your original image remains intact throughout the video generation process, maintaining colors, textures, and important details.

What happens if the video generation fails?

If the video generation fails, don't worry - it won't count against your free trial or credits. You can try again by ensuring your image meets our recommended guidelines or using a different image. Our system is designed to handle occasional failures gracefully.

How can I get the best results from Image To Video?

To get the best results, use high-quality images with good lighting and clear subjects. Avoid using blurry, pixelated, or extremely dark images. Also, ensure your image is properly oriented and the main subject is well-framed within the photo.

What are the current limitations of Image To Video?

While Image To Video is highly advanced, it may occasionally face challenges with extremely complex scenes or poor quality images. Some limitations include processing very large group photos or images with multiple overlapping subjects. Our team continuously works on improving these aspects to enhance the platform's capabilities.

How do I download my generated videos?

Once your video is generated, you'll see a download button below the video player. Simply click it to save the video to your device. The downloaded videos are compatible with most media players and can be easily shared on social media platforms.